M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering
M.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering is approved by AICTE and offered advanced learning and research in Computer Engineering & Technology.

Course details
The M.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering is offered to students who are interested in advanced learning and research in Computer Engineering & Technology. The M. Tech program aims at equipping the graduates, with advanced conceptual knowledge, technical skills and ability to pursue research in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, appropriate to the present ICT scenario. Apart from the core courses, the student may choose electives depending on their interests. The structure and syllabus contents are categorized as Engineering Core, Departmental Core, Departmental Electives, Humanities, and World Peace Program, Self-Study and Online Learning. The M.Tech program aims at preparing the students to take up an application as well as research & development activities in the core and emerging areas within Computer Science.
Selected University Details
MIT World Peace University
Duration : 2 Years
Delivery mode : On Campus
Entry Criteria
- B.Tech in Computer or related Engineering.
Campus : Pune
View Details : https://mitwpu.edu.in/computer-engineering-technology-mtech/