January 12, 2023

Modifications to Non-Directive Overseas Applications criteria to NMBI

by Arunachalam

Modifications to Non-Directive Overseas Applications criteria to NMBI

Modifications to Non-Directive Overseas Applications criteria to NMBI

NMBI is all set to establish changes in the way it processes applications for the purpose of qualification recognition for applicants from specific overseas countries.

Right up until now non-Directive applications for acknowledgment of their qualifications from nurses and midwives– known as G3 applications – comprised a requirement to show evidence that the candidate practiced for 12 months for the preceding five years and proof of active registration in another jurisdiction.

The Board of the regulatory body on 24th March 2021, approved a proposal to remove the criteria and change the prevalent practices following a review by NMBI.

As per this revision, G3 applicants at present will no longer be required to give evidence of 12 months of practice for the past five years – known as Recency of Practice. In addition, they will no longer be required to have an active registration with a regulatory body in another country.

If the applicants have been registered in other jurisdictions, it is still required that G3 applicants provide a CCPS (certificate of professional standing). They should also provide details of their practice history and provide employment forms for those employments that they may wish to be considered for PQE (post-qualification experience) as part of the recognition process.

Subsequently, after the decision that was taken on 24th March 2021, NMBI has begun the process of altering the online registration portal MyNMBI for G3 applications. This is expected to take a short period of time to complete.

After the system has been updated, G3 applicants who do not possess 12 months’ practice in the past five years and candidates who do not currently hold an active registration in other countries will be facilitated to submit applications for recognition of their qualifications via MyNMBI. A further announcement will be made by NMBI stating the date when these applications will be accepted online. The relevant information will be posted on the news section of the NMBI website. Applications submitted under this new regime will incur a non-refundable fee of €350.


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